TOEICの練習問題 12



Library Hours Update

Starting next month, the city library will extend its operating hours on weekends. The new hours will be from 9 AM to 7 PM on both Saturdays and Sundays. This change is part of our initiative to provide more access to our resources and services to the community. Additionally, the library will introduce a new online reservation system for meeting rooms, available from the start of the extended hours. Patrons are encouraged to take advantage of these new changes to enhance their library experience.

Based on the announcement above, which of the following statements is true?

A) The library will reduce its operating hours on weekends.
B) The extended hours are only for Saturdays.
C) The library will introduce a new online reservation system for meeting rooms.
D) Patrons are discouraged from using the library on weekends.


C) 「図書館は会議室の新しいオンライン予約システムを導入します。」が正しい答えです。

告知文には、「Additionally, the library will introduce a new online reservation system for meeting rooms, available from the start of the extended hours.」とあります。


  • A) は不正解です。図書館は週末の営業時間を延長します。
  • B) は不正解です。延長された営業時間は土曜日と日曜日の両方に適用されます。
  • D) は不正解です。利用者はこれらの新しい変更を利用して、図書館体験を向上させることが奨励されています。

