TOEICの練習問題 11



Office Supply Order Reminder

Dear Staff,

This is a reminder that all requests for office supplies must be submitted by the end of the day on Thursday to ensure delivery by the following week. Please use the online order form located on the company intranet. Remember to include all necessary details such as item numbers and quantities. Orders placed after the deadline will be processed the next order cycle, which may delay your receipt of supplies.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best, The Administration Team

Based on the reminder above, which of the following statements is true?

A) Office supply orders can be placed at any time.
B) The online order form is available on the company’s external website.
C) Orders must be submitted by Thursday for delivery the next week.
D) Item numbers and quantities do not need to be specified in orders.

Please choose the correct answer and let me know.


C) “Beta testing is scheduled to start in early March.” が正しい答えです。



