TOEICの練習問題 10



Project Update Email

Dear Team,

I’m pleased to report that the development phase of our new software, Project Titan, is progressing well. We’ve encountered a few minor issues along the way, but nothing that has significantly hindered our progress. In fact, we’re slightly ahead of schedule, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved.

Looking ahead, our next major milestone is the beta testing phase, scheduled to begin in early March. We’ll need all hands on deck to ensure that this phase goes smoothly and to address any issues that arise promptly. As always, your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to the project’s success.

Best, Emily

Based on the email above, which of the following statements is true?

A) The project is currently behind schedule.
B) The development phase has encountered significant obstacles.
C) Beta testing is scheduled to start in early March.
D) Feedback and suggestions are not encouraged.


C) 「ベータテストは3月初旬に開始される予定です。」が正しい答えです。



  • A) は不正解です。プロジェクトはスケジュールよりもわずかに前進している、つまり予定よりも早く進んでいると述べられています。
  • B) は不正解です。開発フェーズではいくつかの小さな問題に遭遇しましたが、進捗に大きな支障をきたすものではなかったと報告されています。
  • D) は不正解です。フィードバックと提案はプロジェクトの成功にとって非常に価値があるとされています。

